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The True Meaning of a Best Friend

Updated: Jul 11, 2020

Everyone knows the game ’20 Questions’. In all reality, it’s not really a game, it is just a fun way to get to know someone else. One of the most common questions asked in this game is, “Who is your best friend?”, and the answer may vary depending on what point in your life you may be in. It could be someone you met in kindergarten, on a high school sports team or even a family member, but there is always someone in mind – your go-to, your confidant, your person. Well, this is a question that I have struggled with my entire life, because I never truly realized what a best friend was.

I have been blessed to have made friends in all facets of life – school, sports, family, etc. Some friends have come and gone, others stay for a bit and then fade away, and luckily, I have had a few that never seem to slip through the cracks, even when they very easily could. Yet, all of these people live their separate lives, with different priorities, focuses and goals – constantly trying to grow into the best versions of themselves. I often catch myself wondering, with everyone so busy, so preoccupied and focused, how do we satisfy our personal wants, desires and needs – our intrinsic nature as human beings to feel loved, protected and cared for. This is how I discovered the true meaning of a best friend – the love of Jesus.

Through the darkest, scariest times, where I felt like there was a dead end with nowhere else to run, I found myself turning to one person – God. We as earthly beings naturally desire human interaction and a quick fix, yet we don’t need fixed, because we were made in the image and likeness of our creator. In his arms, we are loved. In his arms, we are protected. In his arms, we are cared for. Sometimes it is hard to grasp the idea that our true best friend, the one that will never abandon us, the one that will always protect us, has been with us before we took our first breath. He has never come and went, nor will he ever leave. There are no cracks for him to fall through – he is our most stubborn friend, our most trustworthy confidant - He is our true best friend.

He realizes that we can’t get through life alone, and that is why he puts people, both family and friends, into our lives to help us get through the highs and the lows. People often turn to God and ask “Why” when their world seems to be crumbling beneath them, meanwhile he is the one that pulls us through. He does exactly what a best friend should do in times of catastrophe– he never leaves your side. He is loyal, patient, understanding and kind – his love cures all.

When my Grandpa left the physical world, my world shattered in a split instant. For 20 years of my life, he was my coach, my friend, my biggest critic and my PopPop all wrapped up into one. Instead of anger taking over my body, I was at a sense of peace. The first thing I did was sit down and write a letter to the one person I needed to talk to at the time – God. I turned to my best friend, and in return, he blessed my life with the best support system to get me through.

God may not be physically here in appearance, but he is present beyond belief. He is present in my relationship, my friendships, and in my family. He is always there, no matter the circumstances. How’s that for a best friend? Don’t worry – I’ll share :)

-Taylor Renk - Allegheny College Alumni

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