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Wherever you are, Be all there.

Have you ever wondered why terrible things happen to the best of people? Why it seems the world continuously knocks those that don’t deserve the nudge? They say that God gives the hardest battles to the strongest people, but quite frankly, that is a difficult pill to swallow, and I know others struggle with it too. Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about, so for those people I offer this prayer:

Dear God,

I’ve known you for years, and you have known me forever. I know that even before I was born you had a plan for me, and that you still do – you have a plan for all of us. You have seen us flourish, and you have seen us fail. You have seen us experience love, and you have seen us struggle through heartbreak. Through it all, you remain.

I ask you to please watch over each and every one of us, and lead us through all of our battles, no matter the magnitude. There are too many people in the world that are struggling, and too often those struggles push them away from you. I ask you Lord, to bring those people home.

Lord, please be the comforter to those who are going through the darkest points in their lives, and a confidant to those who are seeing their highest triumphs. Be there with us every step of the way, because with you, everything will be alright. Sometimes we just need to know that everything will work itself out. I know that in you we will have the strength to take on our battles, so please be our guide. Amen.

We rub shoulders everyday with people who are hurting, struggling, or battling in some way or another – be empathetic to it. One of the most powerful things we can do for another is to be present – always show up. God reminds us to carry one another’s burdens and rejoice in others victories. Let his love live in us and through us. You have no idea what people are dealing with, only God does. Be kind, care for your best of friends and worst of enemies, and wherever you are, be all there.

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