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Vote Your Faith

November 3rd is a big day. It is a day where the direction of the country in which we live in could be changed entirely. For the better or for the worse, depending on who you ask, the man elected into our highest office will dramatically change the core mentality of our nation. That’s the great thing about America though – we elect into office the individual in which we believe represents our individual beliefs most accurately; Two key words – individual and beliefs.

Every single person in the United States of America is entitled to their own opinions. No ifs, ands or buts about it – we have that right. In the same breath, we also have the right protest, rally and post online about whatever our hearts desire - Yet another freedom that we have here in America that consistently gets taken for granted. There is no better place to live, regardless of your political ideology and if someone disagrees, feel free to argue your opinion. We are one nation made up of millions of brilliant people, with different opinions, perspectives and goals for this nation – On November 3rd let your voice be heard.

We hear on the news that this election is a battle for the heart, or as former Vice President Biden says, “the soul” of this nation – as if a presidential electorate can restore our souls. News flash – they can’t, and we as voters need to recognize that. More importantly, we as followers of God need to vote knowing that.

We are told that there needs to be a separation between church and state, and that Jesus is not on the ballot, but if we don’t use our fundamental morals and beliefs that are grounded in our faith, then what is the point in voting at all? They say there are more important political opinions than those driven by religion, but in all reality, there is no separation between the two.

The world is filled with people that criticize those who live their lives with their faith in the driver’s seat. In fact, I have seen first-hand the absolute lack of human decency and respect from those who choose to live their life blind of faith, completely dissipating others personal choices to actively evangelize theirs. We live in the United States where we are allowed to have differences in opinions and differences of religions, yet when those opinions and religions diverge from the popular route, ostracism takes full effect. This is why we have a silent majority in this nation – beliefs take precedent in people’s lives more often than not, even if it’s not publicized.

So, this election, take to the booth with you your opinions, no matter how different, and your religion, no matter how criticized. You aren’t alone, even if you are silenced and your beliefs matter, even if they are the road less traveled by.

Vote your faith, because if you do, the soul of this nation might actually be restored – Not by an electorate, but by someone much greater.

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