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One Nation Under God.

For a minute, let’s do something that this world seems to lack the ability to do as of recent; Let’s put politics aside and view the culture of the country for exactly what it is – a mess. Liberal or conservative, Democrat or Republican, it is impossible to say the world we live in right now is where we want to be. We have buildings being burned down by people that are fighting a system that is set up to protect them. We have a virus, that has some way, or another effected each and everyone’s lives, halting the growth and progression of communities in every corner of the United States and beyond. We have politicians on both sides of the isle too focused on forcing their political agenda, to really see the real problem – we shouldn’t be fighting one another, because we are one body of people – God’s people. Why is that so hard to comprehend? We as people often forget that no matter what we look like, no matter what our beliefs are, no matter what things differentiate us, we all are human beings. We all have a heartbeat. No person is more important than the next. Once we accept that, as a community, we can flourish.

Now, I am not diminishing the fact of the matter that there are issues that need to be dealt with – systematic issues rooted in generations worth of hate. But, instead of leading our lives fueled by that same hate, acting out rashly in violence and complete disregard of the importance of basic humanity and decency, why don’t we come together in understanding and in communication. What a novel ideal - working together towards a better future instead of lashing out, blaming others for issues that we face today. It’s not right. In the words of Mother Theresa, “If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other”. Our goal should be to unify, no matter what political party you identify with. Violence isn’t unification. In fact, as we have seen, violence only does one thing – it ignites more violence. It needs to stop.

The golden rule that we are all taught is as follows: “Treat others the way you would want to be treated,” but as children of God we know that we must love others as he has loved us. In the culture we live in, both rules have disappeared.I realize those two rules are difficult to follow, especially in a polarized world filled with so much hatred, but it’s the only way to move forward as one people. He tells us to love our neighbor as ourselves, so that is exactly what we need to do. We are one nation under God after all.

“The world is full of Good people. If you can’t find one, be one” – Mother Theresa

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