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5 things that continue to encourage mY RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD

Updated: Jul 11, 2020

“For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. “  

Psalm 139:13-14

This verse is daily reminder of to whom I belong, Jesus. My testimony begins from the very moment Jesus began to knit me together in my mother’s womb. Doctor visit after doctor visit the doctors would eagerly try to convince my parents to get an abortion. With having two parents strong in their faith they continued to refuse. Doctors were sure if my mother gave birth I would either pass away quickly or have so many complications while growing up and living. February 5th, 2000 Christ proved the doctors wrong. I was born with not a single complication and a family that was firm on the foundation of Christ. I grew up in a household and surrounded by family that was constantly seeking Christ. That does not mean trials didn’t come. In fact, trial after trial continued to come. It is now seeing every trial as a learning lesson to remember to whom I belong. The decision to go to college was essential for my spiritual growth. It was time to make the decision on my own as to what church to go to, what friends to hang out with, and to whom I would allow to guide me. I made the choice to stand firm in my faith at college. That is a trial in itself. The choice of Christ daily is so important. I want to let you in on 5 things that continue to encourage me while being a college student.  

Wake up and spend time in God's word.

With waking up and turning to Christ rather than social media you are already taking a step to set your day up for success. Filling your heart and mind with Gods promises is key for staying committed to whom you belong.

Power of Prayer.

Continue to seek Christ through prayer. Talk to God. Ask God. Be specific. Run to Christ before you run to your college roomie, because Christ will have the ultimate answer and comfort. Place prayer sticky notes beside your door so every day before you leave you can go down the list and pray for each person or thing on your list.  

Find community.

Seek a community that will not tempt you into things that do not glorify Christ. Find a community to study the bible with, pray with, and be with one another as brothers and sisters in Christ. Look into on campus faith-based clubs and organizations!

Take Note.  

I always picked bible verses or words of encouragement to doodle on sticky notes and place them all over my room! Place them where you know you will look daily! You will be surprised how many friends comment on them! It will be notes of encouragement for you and them!

Jesus Jams are a MUST.

Wake up and play those Jesus Jams. Playing worship music, no matter what time of day is always encouraging and uplifting. Grab your bff’s and have a worship dance party. From waking up, to needing an uplifting song after a hard exam, or a Friday night hangout, play your worship music!

I pray that these 5 tips of faith can help you seek Christ as it is now your choice in college. Choose Christ and be reminded to whom you belong.  

~With love you sister in Christ Moriah

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