
Sep 1, 20212 min

"Fearfully & Wonderfully Made"

Insecurities can feel consuming and exhausting. I have had times in my life where I was constantly comparing myself to others, especially with my personal body image. My insecurities have had the power of completely stripping away any confidence that I have in myself in any aspect of my life. These thoughts and feelings are painful and draining, but most importantly, they keep my attention on myself rather than others. And this is EXACTLY what Satan wants me to do! Satan uses insecurities as a weapon against women to keep us comparing ourselves to each other, and feeling the need to tear each other down to feel better about ourselves. He is also preventing us from loving and uplifting other women, because we are too busy worrying about ourselves. Insecurities are effective in making us self-centered, ineffective believers! God wants to use each of us as a light in someone else’s life so that we can point other people to Him. But in order to do this we need to have confidence!

This confidence shouldn’t come from anything that we have done - it should be a result of knowing and believing our identity in Christ. We can find confidence in Isaiah 43:4 - “You are precious in my sight, and honored, and I love you.” We can find confidence in Genesis 1:26 - “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness.” We can find confidence in Psalm 139:14 - “I am fearfully and wonderfully made, wonderful are your works.” These verses tell us that we are loved, valued, and honored by God. That we are created in His perfect image. That we are His wonderful creation!

If we are able to use the truths of scripture to find our identity and confidence in Christ, then we can have the amazing power of being HUMBLE.

Humility is not thinking less of yourself, but thinking of yourself less.

In other words, when God calls us to be humble, He is not telling us that we should consider ourselves worthless or unimportant. He is not telling us that we should believe our insecurities. He is telling us that we should spend less time thinking about ourselves, and instead devote our time towards pointing other people to Jesus! Humility requires us to have confidence in our identity in Christ, so that we are able to love and encourage other people without worrying about how we compare to them. Imagine how powerful a group of truly confident yet humble women could be!

Confidence will never be found in being skinny enough, pretty enough, smart enough, or athletic enough. True confidence can only be found in knowing that we are precious and valued daughters of Christ, that He loved us enough to die for us, and that He loves us for our hearts, not our looks. You are so beautiful in His eyes!

Insecurities are one of Satan's most powerful weapons to prevent Godly women from spreading the love of Jesus. So identify the lies, and remember your identity in Christ so that you can be a confident yet humble daughter of Jesus!

By: Allie Peasley

"Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised."

Jeremiah 31:30
