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Share Your Faith.

There once was a boy who grew up in a rich family and was dressed to the nine. He was given almost everything and didn’t have to work for anything.He had nice clothing, a huge beautiful house, and popularity amongst his friends/family. When he was in his 20’s his town was fighting in a war. Since he was adored by the town he decided to go bravely into the war and fight for them. During his time fighting he fell off his horse and was knocked unconscious. When he finally regained consciousness, he found himself laying on his back gazing up at the stars. He watched his life pass before him. He then fell unconscious again. For weeks he laid in the hospital bed sick -- family, friends, priest, bishops, and mayors from all over came to visit him.One day while he was laying in his bed, he heard a bird at the window singing a song. Intrigued by the bird singing he got up to find it at the window. By the time he made it to the window the bird was gone. The man became healthier and healthier as days passed. Back into the daily routines of his old life, he began to feel very lost and not sure what to make of his life now. He knew there was more to life than materialistic items and extravagant parties. He brought his concerns to his parents and they did not listen.Every day he started to go from the city out to the countryside – some days he would gaze at the sky, others smell the earth, and different days he would take in the beauty of the earth. This was a very different human being than the one before the war. One night his parents were hosting a large party and forced him to dress in the nicest clothing they owned.

During the middle of the party, he stripped off his clothes and ran. Showing that he was done with this materialistic life and ready for a life with more meaning and purpose. The man turned away from the life of money & parties and turned to a life filled with nature, love, and Jesus Christ. Some of the towns people mocked him for doing this, others hated him, but a few followed him.

I have always been told if you make an impact on just one person than you made a difference. Francis of

the man in the story gave up what this world views as everything for the most important thing – his relationship and life with Christ. The rest of his life he educated others about the glory of life and God. With courage we can withstand the danger and fear that stands between us and standing up for our faith. Many people will mock us, others with defriend us, but some will listen. Even if it is just one person – share. Share your faith. Embrace your faith. And most importantly LOVE Our amazing Creator.

Written by: Bryanna Urso

Inspiration: Matthew Kelly

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