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The Importance of Consistency in Faith

Something I personally find myself struggling with when it comes to my faith and relationship with God is consistency as well as a routine. Now more than ever due to the Covid pandemic, the consistency of life has been somewhat stripped away from society. The things we took for granted in our everyday life have drastically changed. Simple things such as being able to go to church with my family on a weekly basis, or even being able to hangout with groups of friends regularly has been made difficult due to the current state of life. Along with covid and all the changes involved in that, I have recently moved back to college. Although I am a junior in college now and am used to how life at school works, it still takes time to get back in the groove and adjust to new living circumstances. As I sit here and write this article, I even realize the changes I've had to make in my daily routine to find time to even sit down and write. Life throws things at us from every direction and it's our job to make sense of it all. It can be alot. But something that keeps people in a good place is routine. Routine is so much easier said than done, and it takes practice. Routine when it comes to God is key to maintaining and growing your faith. 

We as humans can easily be pulled out of our routines for any reason, but no matter where life takes you, God remains present. We can stray away from God, put God on hold, or even try to ignore Him, yet he remains. This characteristic of Jesus Christ is probably His most amazing gift to us. He never leaves. He is always there, ready to embrace you in His loving arms whenever you are ready. Just as He is there for us, we need to be there for Him. With God, the only way our relationship with Him can struggle is from our end. We are sinners, we are the ones who leave Him on hold, yet he remains with us. When it comes to God’s love for us, a routine is something that can truly make a difference in your life. Just as you make time for friends, family, and homework, the least we can do is try to make time for Him. An easier way to do so is pick a time and place that you dedicate time to God. It can be a time before bed at night, walking to class, or even right before you sit down to do your homework, but planning out a specific time to just talk to God or pray to God for a few minutes is all he asks of us. Getting into the routine of creating your personal “God time” can truly make the difference in your faith and relationship with Him. A quote that inspired this article is a very short and simple one, “I am the Lord. I do not change” (Malachi 3:6). God does not and will not change. God’s love for us is never ending and constant. This week I’m going to work on becoming a more constant presence with God, just as He is with me, and I pray you can do the same!

By Alex Klare

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