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Overflowing With Faith

As I was reading the Word, God gave me an even deeper understanding of Faith. In light of remaining faithful and standing firm within your Faith, while planting your Faith into others, we shall do, and continue to do what Jude has told us in the Bible. We shall continue to share God’s love with and for one another. Build each other up. Be patient with each other. Pray for one another. This is God’s Love. He will continue to bless us all thereafter, as he’s been doing day in and day out. He’s always working in our lives. So, we shall continue to serve Him and his people likewise, to the best of our abilities! In a world where everything is so fast paced, we tend to walk this earth just going through the motions, missing out on the true beauty and power of God. So lately I have been more intentional with my faith and seeking the Lord in every aspect of my life, no matter where I am at or who I am with at that moment, I have been searching for God’s presence. I was truly surprised to see what was happening, after just a few times seeking Him in times and places I normally wouldn’t have. My mom and I were out running some errands and she was telling me about something that she heard that made her feel good, and I was happy to see that that made her happy. In that moment, God touched my heart. He said to me, "Remember that worldly things and worldly judgements do not matter. The only judgement that truly matters now and forever is that of Our Father.” To be entirely honest, had I not been searching for God lately and in that very moment, I too would’ve been rooting for her based off of those worldly judgements, getting lost in things that don’t really matter. I then shared his message with my mom. “Of course it’s nice hearing such things, but those judgements don’t truly matter, or define you as a person. Onl​y​ what God has to say and what he thinks about you and the heart you have, is what really matters.” Through this, I have learned that God is always working, it’s just a matter of slowing down and allowing yourself to see through his lens.

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